As you may or may not know, there are four dip-switches which can be found on the back back of an E1000 HMI. If you’ve ever wondered what they’re for, don’t fret – this guide will outline their functions.
There are five configurations which can be made using the dip switches. The process is fairly straight forward:
- Power down HMI
- set dip switches – done by moving the switch into the up position
- power up HMI
- follow on screen instructions (if any)
And here are the five configurations:
Run mode, normal operation.
System restore, resets the file system and registry & re installs the system program – basically its a ‘restore to factory defaults’ setting. Beware, you will lose your entire project off the HMI when using this mode.
Image Load Mode, this mode allows the firmware of the HMI to be upgraded. Beware, this mode will also cause you to lose your whole project.
User Menu Mode: this mode allows you to enter several menu’s to calibrate the HMI, these include options to edit: Network settings (IP address), calibrate touch and set the date/time. From this menu you’ll also be able to load a project from a memory card, update the EM module and erase the project. Furthermore you can enter some of the aforementioned mode’s including Transfer mode and Run mode.
Self test, this mode does exactly what it says on the tin. It allows you to test the features of the HMI – to name a few: LED’s, Buttons, Buzzer, serial comms, battery condition, EEprom, touch screen, back light and colour test.
This concludes the guide. We hope it was helpful.
Great! Thank you.